A Boatload of Mootchies
A Google search for the term "man hootchie" returned zero relevant hits. Why is that? Just drop by either Gold's Gym location in the City and you can see a boatload of mootchies.
"Mootchie wood," by the way, is the product of Erythrina indica, commonly known as the Indian Coral Tree. Erythrinae are
"Mootchie wood," by the way, is the product of Erythrina indica, commonly known as the Indian Coral Tree. Erythrinae are
[a] complex group, displaying reticulate evolution. Most [are] bird-pollinated, with interesting adaptions of the nectar nutrients to the needs of the bird species.... Extrafloral nectaries may attract guard-ant species.You can see a boatload of extrafloral nectaries at Gold's too. Just watch out for the guard ants.
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