Friday, July 30, 2004

Daily Dizzle

  • Movie Poop Shoot reports on Beyond The Sea, a new movie about '60s singer Bobby "Mack The Knife" Darin. In the piece, MPS claims that Bobby D. had a "weak ticker" and "went for the Pabst Blue Ribbon gusto all the way." My question is this: is "weak ticker" a recognized medical condition, or is it shorthand for "out-of-shape SOB?"<via Whatevs>

  • Britney Spears: You Heard It Here First! Watch out for an anti-anti-Brit Brit backlash. Give the gal a break. You'd be a freakin' space case too if millions of people watched you shop at Pier One. <via Stereogum>

  • Nouvelle Vague's lounge-jazz cover of the DK's "Too Drunk To Fuck." So best. <via Jockohomo>

  • What Is the Sound of One Hand Toking? Ricky Williams, now-ex-Miami Dolphin has this to say about his departure from the NFL:
    I didn't quit football because I failed a drug test. I failed a drug test because I was ready to quit football.
    <via Outsports>

  • Teresa Heinz Kerry apparently calls herself "Mama T." Is that creepy or what? The only thing that "Mama T" reminds me of is Mama Cass. I hope that for Mama T's sake she doesn't follow Mama Cass' lead and toke to teath on a tam tandwich. <via Towle Road>

  • Dude, Where's My Biceps? Jim Palmer in his underwear! <via Towle Road>

  • Please Tell Me This Is a Joke: You knew David Hasselhoff's music was rubbish, but did you know it was this bad? <via NewYorkish>


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