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There is a fascinating article in the latest issue of Scientific American. The article concerns the Voynich Manuscript. The Voynich Manuscript is "some 230 pages long, written in an unusual script and richly illustrated with bizarre images of plants, heavenly spheres and bathing women." Illustrations in the manuscript suggest that the manuscript was produced in the late 15th century, but the manuscript cannot be positively identified before 1586, when Rudolph II, the Holy Roman Emperor, purchased it.
Cryptologists have long suspected that the text of the manuscript is in code, but the code has defeated all attempts to crack it.
I'm sure Neal Stephenson knows all about the Voynich Manuscript, and just thinking about it makes him all tingly in his special places.
I won't spoil the rest for you. Just go to sciam.com and read the article for yourself.
Cool! I love this kind of stuff. Will definitely check out that article. (Came across your blog via towleroad, by the way. Good stuff.) —Jeff.
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