Hotel Soap Project No. 4

Manufacturer: agua
Product Name: Body Scrub
Source: St. Martin's Lane, London
What's hot?: Clean, vaguely medicinal scent; exfoliating beads
What's not?: Hard plastic bottle
Comments: Who's the chucklehead who decided to use a hard plastic bottle for this product? While hard plastic bottles might be OK for shampoo, it's definitely not OK for this body scrub. This is a viscous product, people. It doesn't pour. It doesn't come out when I shake it. I have to insert my pinkie into the bottle and let the product ooze over my finger. If I'm going to ooze in the morning, I want to ooze on my own terms, not on the terms of my body scrub.
Mr Voran, your description of this particular body scrub is fitting as it also describes the hotel. For anyone who has stayed at an Ian Schragger - they are form over function! Yes, the staff is very attractive, and yes, Philippe Starke designs a mean hotel (though I could use a bit more light), however, the staff is not very helpful and as I mentioned earlier, the hotel's are crazy dark. This little bottle, like the hotel, is cute, but once you get past the first impression, you could do without the headache.
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