Friday, September 03, 2004

Twelve More Years?

Thank God the convention season is over. I managed to dodge both of them, for which I am eternally grateful.

If I had seen even a minute of either one, I'm sure I'd feel like it was an embarrassing spectacle. I mean, really. Are John Kerry and George W. Bush the best we can do? Is there nobody in the entire country more qualified?

I suppose I'll end up voting for John Kerry, not because I like the guy, but because I don't trust Bush. Bush seems like a likeable guy, but he also seems to be something of a dimwit and a puppet of political forces beyond his control.

I mean, why do the Republicans seem intent on re-electing Ronald Reagan? What was so freakin' great about Reagan? Here's what I remember about the Reagan years: Iran-Contra, K-cars and inflation.

But as I said, the Republicans seem intent on re-electing Reagan. Think about it. Reagan was term-limited out of office, they nominated the next best thing, his Vice President. After Bush Sr. lost his re-election bid and the Republicans made the mistake of nominating Bob Dole, whom do they come back with? The next-best next best thing, the son of Reagan's Vice President.

So what's next? What comes after George W.? Jeb Bush, the less talented son of Ronald Reagan's Vice President?

Gimme a break.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - good post, but did you have to remind us about K-cars?

When I was younger I was somewhat of a car fanatic though I was too poor to buy one. Now my bf is a car nut so I've really started to pay attention to them too.

Who would you prefer for prez? My choice was Kucinich, but he's too moderate for this country right now.

That Guy from the Gym

p.s. - do you ever see me there?

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking they would nominate the less talented son of Reagan, Micheal. That's a President I could respect! --martin

9:35 AM  

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