Monday, March 07, 2005

Ten Six Gay Things I Like v.2

1. You know that song by Kylie Minogue that they always play at the gym? The one where she says if you don't give her what she needs she's going out on the dancefloor to get it? Yeah, that one. I can't remember what it's called or which album it was on. But I do know it was either on that one album she had or the other one.

2. Moopia. Can't get enough of that stuff. OK, so it's really not called moopia. It's called "marabou," which is actually a kind of stork. Feather boas are made of marabou (or more likely, artificial marabou product). But I can't ever remember the word "marabou." So I call it moopia. And now that I think about it, I really don't like marabou. I just like to say "moopia."

3. Candles. Because they flicker.

4. Rufus Wainwright (pre-rehab).

5. Lavender. I can take or leave the color. The plant (especially when in bloom) is nice enough. It's the scent that I really dig.

6. - 9. [Reserved for future use]

10. Dudes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you're thinking of Dance Floor? You know, for the longest time I really didn't know she had any other album but Fever.

10:02 PM  

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