Vashon Island Xterra (Dockton, WA): July 10, 2005

Yeah, this post is more than a little tardy.
Another Xterra, another good race. I would have finished higher, but
(1) the bikes Andrew and I rented were downhill bikes, not cross-country bikes,
(2) I crashed on Lap 1 of the bike, and
(3) I missed a turn and went seriously off-course on Lap 2.
Still, it was my first Top 10 (age group) finish. I have to feel good about that.
The swim and run were strong, though. I only wish I had realized the white things on the bottom of Quartermaster Harbor were jellyfish and not PVC pipe.
Sorry, Scott, no time to say "Hi." Maybe next time. Give my best to Rich, Jake, ***** ***** and the dogs.
Thanks again to Ed and Paige for letting us crash at their place. Even if I can never remember the name of their neighborhood.*
* (which is Bryant)