Monday, April 24, 2006

I Came Home With a Gold Medal and a Farmer's Tan

Napa Valley Dirt Classic
Angwin, CA
April 23, 2006

22 mi XC mtn bike

Beginner 35-39M
AG 1/11
OA 166/326

The race was held on the campus of Pacific Union College. Let me tell you, those Seventh Day Adventists sure know how to put on a raffle.

Official results here.
Upgrading NORBA categories (e.g., Beginner to Sport, Sport to Expert) explained here.
Definition of 'sand bag' here.

Friday, April 14, 2006

So What You're Trying To Say Is...

Somewhere on Haight Street
San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Monday, April 10, 2006

How Many Friends...

...does it take to wear my swimsuit?
One to envision the plan.
One to execute it.
And a third to document the gory details.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Granite Bay Xterra 2006

REAL MTB Triathlon
April 2, 2006
Granite Bay, CA

.4 mi swim/16 mi. bike/3.5 mi. run
OA 89/184
AG 20/32 (M 35-39)

2005 results for comparison:

.5 mi swim/16 mi. bike/3.1 mi. run
OA 137/183
AG 22/26 (M 35-39)