Friday, May 26, 2006

Tres Lomas

Last night I ran Tres Lomas for the first time in several months.* Usual mixture of good and bad. My body is still recovering from Temecula on Sunday. It throttled me back on the uphills -- I could not push my HR past 184 no matter how hard I tried.
My knees have been creaky as of late so I practiced good downhill running form. I had some success on gentle grades but good form on the steeper stuff still eludes me.
Total run time was 0:53:43, which is a solid but unspectacular pace. Nonetheless, it's still 8 to 14 minutes faster than last year.


* An official Tres Lomas run starts at Sports Basement in the Presidio. Sports Basement --> Old Mason --> Halleck --> Gorgas --> Lyon --> Lombard --> Presidio --> Anza Trail (Presidio Gate --> Julius Kahn Playground --> Golf Course --> Mountain Lake --> Battery Caulfield Rd.) --> Washington --> Lincoln --> Coastal Trail --> Warming Hut --> Promenade --> Sports Basement.

I've scoured MotionBased for a run report, but nobody has posted a Tres Lomas run. Sorry, no maps for you. I'm not sure of the distance, but based on my pace I assume it's 6-ish miles.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dude, why would you want to push your HR above 184 for any prolonger period of time?

How old are you? That's pretty much the upper range for aerobic activity for anyone, isn't it?

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max heart rates vary widely from person to person. The standard formula Max HR = 220 - (Age) is a reasonable estimate for only about 80% of the population.

My Max HR is somewhere north of 203. 184 is about my maximum sustainable run HR. Anything over 190 and I'm sprinting. At Wildflower I tried to keep my HR between 180-185 on climbs and on the flats. I finished Wildflower with an average HR of 178 and a max HR of 203 (a 200+ yd sprint through the finish chute).

Heart rate zones vary by sport. Bike HR zones are about 10 bpm lower than run HR zones. Swim HR zones are about 5-10 bpm below that.

- Mike

4:28 PM  

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