Thursday, May 19, 2005

MSN Is On Crack

Far be it from me to perpetuate the tired meme of reporting on wacky search terms used to find one's site, but PLEASE, MSN is on crack.

I have no idea why one would search MSN for information on "enthusiastic douchers." Google is obviously a much better venue for such a search. What's more, I can't fathom why MSN would return only two hits, one of which was a flippant piece of web trash I wrote (last JUNE) about Bill Gates, who said that he was "enthusiastic about blogging." Until 90 seconds ago, I have never even written the word "doucher." Nigga please, the word is "douchebag."




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mike.

A friend reffered me to your post here. Nice blog! :)

While your comments and the search query itself is funny, I wanted to add a couple of thoughts.

Anyone who clicks on the actual MSN Search link you provided may discover:

1.) You used That brings up unique search results that may have a UK bent.

2.) The *sea* portion of that url denotes (as well as the old skool MSN User Interface) that this is the old version of MSN Search. You may know that in February MSN Search launched their own homegrown search technology after a record breaking 21 months of development. The version of MSN Search you used for your query/comparison actually garners search query results not from Microsoft/MSN but rather from Yahoo! Inkitomi. (aka Yahoo! Overture)

I'd be curious to know how you got to a.) the UK search instead of US and b.) the old non-msn powered search results.

My guess is that you used an old seldom-used search task pane view in Internet Explorer?


5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info re: old vs. new MSN searches!

I don't know how the search was created. All I know is that Sitemeter (my hit tracking service) showed that search as the referring URL.

FWIW, my guess is that someone from the UK has the old MSN search site in his Favorites list. Thus, the searcher may not even know that a new search interface exists.


7:38 AM  

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