Wednesday, June 23, 2004

A Shank Of the Insured Ones Loads Noncontributory the Cashes

German spam recently received by a co-worker and translated by Google's Language Tools:
The discreet reasons of the cost explosion: Recently the chairman of the Bavarian family doctor federation, expressed Dr. Wolfgang Hoppenthaller that a large number takes more foreign ' health tourists up ' with the smart cards of their members and friends with us the medical supply. The damage is certainly as high according to Dr. Hoppenthaller ' as the current deficit of the health insurance companies '. But the costs of this smart card fraud, which the community of all statutory insurees has to carry, are only one reason appearing of the collapse of social and health supply security. When consequence of so-called bilateral and multilateral social security agreements (contracts with particulars or several states) amounts of millions at foreigners become paid by the health insurance companies, who are in the FRG, independently of it, whether these work here, unemployed or people on social security are. Coinsured is also their member, even if these live in the long term separately from the under obligation to pay alimony one and in their homeland. The circle of the rightful ones depends thereby not after the Germans, but on the legislation of the countries of origin of the under obligation to pay alimony ones. In some countries the extended family circle refers among other things. Parents and brothers and sisters also, e.g. in Turkey. The as well known large child number and if necessary several wives form problems. An additional problem saves the generous gesture of our government to promote by insuring documents of identification without photo the abuse. A further, extraordinary load results besides from the partly substantial medical Unterversorgung in the countries of origin. Agreements were met so far with the following countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Israel, Croatia, Morocco, Macedonia, Poland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Turkey, Tunesien, Hungary, Tschechien. Even if the present agreements should be based on mutuality, here free of doubts a clear inclination can be recognized. Of the Ministry of Health with the entry into force of the health reform for the physicians ' ordered ' medicine caper list plans only using up of cheap medicines. This regulation applies only to the cash patients, not however to those, always depositing into the Solidarkassen, whose disease costs the state pays, to convicts, asylum-seekers and people on social security! The physician can use up these further expensive ' original medicines ', these can without reductions or additional payments medical/tooth-medical achievements, hospital supply, operations, accommodation in nursing homes etc. in requirement take. Reason: In the medicine caper list the national krankenhilfe ' was forgotten ' directly! The statistic yearbooks prove that in the year 1989 256,000 German citizens received, 270,000 foreigners and in the year 1993 250,000 German citizens and 577,000 foreigners unrestricted krankenhilfe from the pension schemes - except the ' other ' social welfare assistance achievements -. This means more than a duplication with the Germans in four years a small decrease, with the foreigners. Today the million-number will be already far exceeded rightful. > > > > no miracle that the numbers are not no more published since 1994 < < < < which to conclude we from it? There is priority not the insured ones, which provide for the increasing deficit, but those depositing into the obligation health insurance companies, which at expense the solvent bad A shank of the insured ones loads noncontributory the cashes. An equal treatment of all insured ones in the medical case is prevented by the legislator. Paying cash patients are medically clearly more badly placed than free of charge rightful ones. It is typical that the citizen is not informed about such actions, wrongly or only insufficiently and no Bundestag party such causes of the cost explosion to criticize dares.
You know what? I've read through this thing three times already and I still can't figure out where to send my money for the herbal Viagra. I really need to complain to Google about the poor translation.


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