Monday, September 27, 2004

Mr. Bigsoup

Since so many of my latest posts have either been (1) pictures or (2) boring tri-related news, I thought I'd give you, my readers, a break.

Go give these sites a shot:

(1) An open letter to a crackhead entitled "Dear Crackhead."
(2) Maddox. I especially like the post about Top Gun.

Anywayyyyys. Swim practice went well yesterday, thank you. Coach gave me a couple of helpful tips:

(1) Extend and hold the left arm at the top of the stroke

After swim practice I went on a fruitless search for window screens. It seems that window screens must be custom-made as there is no such thing as a standard window size. People, what is up with this? Don't they realize that standardization is the engine of prosperity?

Then I came home, took a power nap and made some more killer chicken soup and green chile cornbread. My roommate now calls me "Mr. Bigsoup."

Friday, September 24, 2004

Track Update

Track results from last night:

Best 400m 1:32*
Best 800m 3:24**
No 1200m last night. Thank God.

The usual good news/bad news last night. Good news is that I set a new personal best in the 800m. Bad news is that (1) 800m times dropped to 3:40 by the last interval and (2) I got smoked in the home stretch during the Tootsie Pop relay.

My left leg is still cranky, and I got attacked by mosquitoes last night.


* Tied personal best
** New personal best

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Scenes From A Ballgame

That is Barry BondsAnd that is his Hummer*

No homer for Barry last night. He got a single early, then two pop flies and a deliberate walk. On his last at bat the crowd roared with anticipation, but he was promptly dinged in the foot by the Astros pitcher. Barry calmly walked to first, then walked back to the dugout after his designated runner showed up. The crowd loudly cheered him both directions.
On the walk to the dugout he was close enough to have clocked the pitcher. He kept his cool, but I'm sure the sixth-string Astros pitcher (literally) got the message.
Kudos to Brett Tomko for settling down after a hairy first inning to pitch 8 2/3 and make two clutch sacrifice bunts.
The Astros got two homers from their first two at bat, then the well ran dry. The Giants won 9 to 2.

*I have no idea if that is Barry's Hummer or not. I just like the lo-res look of the shot.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

International Symbol For "Fish Ladder" (Ballard Locks, Seattle, WA)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Rachel Lake

Yeah, that's fresh snow.

Waterfall, Rachel Lake Trail (near Kachess Lake C.G., WA)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Eagle's Wing (Grand Junction, CO)

Monday, September 13, 2004

West Bench Overlook (near Mesa Lakes, CO)

elevation +- 10,000 ft.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Turkey Flats (near Glade Park, CO)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Moore Fun Overlook

Moore Fun Trail (near Loma, CO)

Poopy Likes Adventure

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Whom Would I Vote For?

In response to an earlier post I made about the Republicans' seemingly endless love for Ronald Reagan, That Guy From the Gym asked me whom I would vote for. I've thought about the question for some time, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer: Bruce Babbitt.

But that's because I'm a good Arizona environmentalist.

Running Update...Yadda Yadda Yadda

Date & Time: Tuesday, September 7, 9:10 p.m.
Route: My house to 32nd Avenue & Irving
Total Run Time: 0:58:30
Total Distance (per MapQuest): 6.34 mi.*
Avg. Pace: 09:14
Total Elevation Change: +/- 400 ft.

Injury Update:
Left Hip: Feeling better, but still somewhat janky
Left Knee: Surprisingly janky (but still OK). Probably compensating for Left Hip
Left Hand: 3 months in and still a little janky
Right Shoulder: Feeling OK but still voted Most Likely to Implode

* That's got to be a Personal Best.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Fact Checkers Anonymous

Based on my successful debunking of the Carol Channing story, I have been asked to fact check a few more items.

Item 1: What is that tree behind Charles and Michael's apartment?
Earlier, I suggested that it was a Monkey Puzzle tree. Monkey Puzzle trees are native to Chile. They are distinguished by large spade-shaped needles that cover the trunk and branches. They derive their name from an Englishman in the 1800s who thought the tree would be a puzzle for a monkey to climb. It's an odd name. While there are plenty of monkeys in South America (see, e.g., the marmoset), they are not native to the Monkey Puzzle tree's habitat.
While I am still not certain what variety of tree stands behind their apartment, I am willing to guess that it is a Norfolk pine.

Item 2: What medical condition did Charles' ex-boyfriend have?
Charles remembered that his ex had "cataplepsy." "Cataplepsy" appears to be a non-standard variation of the word "catalepsy." While I understood catalepsy to mean a state of suspended animation, the term apparently refers to "a state of excited or inhibited motor activity, in the absence of a mood disorder...or neurological disease." This activity manifests itself in a number of ways, including echolalia, ambitendence and (my favorite) waxy flexibility. <via General Practice Notebook>

Item 3: What is so special about Tallulah Gorge?
Last night I met a very drunk former cheer mascot for Georgia Tech (don't ask). We were having a discussion about the best strip clubs in Atlanta (Club Mons Venus was the hands-down favorite, although the Pink Pony made a strong showing as an alternate. If you're looking for the fellas, try Swinging Richards (get it?)).
Anyway, when Jason learned that I have never been to Atlanta, he put on his Chamber of Commerce hat and regaled me with news of the finest things Georgia has to offer the outdoor enthusiast. One outdoor delight is the laser light show at Stone Mountain, where the Confederate Army comes to life...with lasers! Another is Tallulah Gorge, which is the 2nd most something something* in the US after the Grand Canyon.
Well, I did some digging, and it seems that while Tallulah Gorge is not the 2nd most anything anything in the US, it is a mighty fine place to go rock climbing.

Late Breaking Item!
Item 4: Where is Anonymous' Fast Pass?
Anonymous asked, Where is my Fast Pass?
Good gravy, bud, I'm a fact checker, not the Oracle at Delphi. I have no idea where your Fast Pass is.

* As I said, he was mighty drunk.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Twelve More Years?

Thank God the convention season is over. I managed to dodge both of them, for which I am eternally grateful.

If I had seen even a minute of either one, I'm sure I'd feel like it was an embarrassing spectacle. I mean, really. Are John Kerry and George W. Bush the best we can do? Is there nobody in the entire country more qualified?

I suppose I'll end up voting for John Kerry, not because I like the guy, but because I don't trust Bush. Bush seems like a likeable guy, but he also seems to be something of a dimwit and a puppet of political forces beyond his control.

I mean, why do the Republicans seem intent on re-electing Ronald Reagan? What was so freakin' great about Reagan? Here's what I remember about the Reagan years: Iran-Contra, K-cars and inflation.

But as I said, the Republicans seem intent on re-electing Reagan. Think about it. Reagan was term-limited out of office, they nominated the next best thing, his Vice President. After Bush Sr. lost his re-election bid and the Republicans made the mistake of nominating Bob Dole, whom do they come back with? The next-best next best thing, the son of Reagan's Vice President.

So what's next? What comes after George W.? Jeb Bush, the less talented son of Ronald Reagan's Vice President?

Gimme a break.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Holy Crap!!!

I ran for over an hour last night.* Like totally without stopping. This whole "training" thing might not be such a humongous lie after all.

* 1:02:30 for you detail-oriented types